Giuseppe Cordioli begins the cultivation of peaches in Lugagnano (Verona).
1920With Renzo Cordioli, Giuseppe's son, the second generation of producers takes over the company.
1960Introduction of nectarine cultivation.
1970Construction of the warehouse for packaging in Lugagnano.
1985Adelino Cordioli, Renzo's son, takes his first steps in the business.
1987Adfruit is born, a company aimed at packaging and exporting fruit.
2002The Giulia Frutta farm is born in Menà di Castagnaro (Verona) and new products, such as kiwis and plums, are introduced.
2008In Castagnaro (Verona) the company is expanded with the construction of cold rooms.
2013The new company headquarters is inaugurated in Giacciano con Baruchella (Rovigo).
2016Special apricot jam from our
Giulia Farm.
Fruits and sport, combined for the well-being and health of people!
In 2013 we founded Adfruit Team Bike, an amateur cycling association of about 30 enthusiasts: we believe in the values of friendship, of pursuing a healthier lifestyle, and healthy competition!
From the experience of three generations of fruit producers, Adfruit was born in 2002, an innovative entrepreneurial reality for the marketing of peaches, nectarines, apples, kiwis, grapes, plums and apricots.